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What is Jamstack?

It is a front-end development approach that helps to construct interactive interfaces and content. A profound way to quickly create and serve a static website to users. The three elements pave the way for building a JAMstack application and website. A static website is made out of CSS markup code and HTML, including dynamic functionality for calling APIs by JavaScript.

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Why Jamstack?

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It ensures the consistent speed of the platform with third-party APIs that avoid any issues.

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It offers a combination of pre-rendered CDNs and HTML, making a website responsive and faster.

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A JAMstack website uses static HTML that doesn’t require a database or server to strengthen the connection and avoid attacks.

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The cost involved in scaling a JAMstack website and application is comparatively less, but it will be challenging to rise due to more moving parts in a database-driven website.

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It ensures a greater service with the crucial experience of designers, developers, content editors, and digital marketers involved in managing and creating a digital experience.

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Jamstack websites are easy to switch and can be hosted through various hosting services. They can quickly move from one to another preferred host.

Use Cases

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Jamstack helps to decouple the frontend from the backend and assures highly optimized and static pages. The use of APIs and javascript enhance and personalise website pages; also, the Jamstack brings full support for linting code, transpiling javascript, compiling CSS, and optimising HTML and assets.

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E Commerce

Various firms are building their online business with the JAMstack that supports SEO efficiency means to achieve better positions due to static pages as they are light, fast and easy to scan. It ensures omnichannel behaviour, which means you can convert web and mobile users with effective cybersecurity due to no direct connection to the user data, database, or other sensitive information.


Jamstack is a term that describes a modern web development architecture based on JavaScript, APIs, and Markup (JAM). Jamstack isn't a specific technology or framework but a different architecture for building apps and websites.

Jamstack is great for static pages, but it's doing perfectly with different kinds of interactive content such as videos, high-quality pictures, animations, etc. You don't need to manage any databases or servers or depend on them.

The Jamstack is an architecture where a website is delivered statically, such as serving HTML from static hosting or CDN (content delivery network) but providing dynamic content and an interactive experience through JavaScript. The term itself represents the JAM in a website: JavaScript, APIs, and Markup.

When you compare it to Wordpress, the number of plugins and themes are lesser. This may be a downside since sometimes you would need to develop custom functionality. Also, an SSG website will completely rebuild even if there is a small change in content.

Speed, Security, Scalability. One of the biggest reasons for using Jamstack is the website's loading speed. Everything can potentially be loaded from a CDN and that also adds scalability to your website. Since the frontend can be separated from the backend server, it helps in improving website security.

The main reason to go with Jamstack instead of a traditional approach to website development is to go as serverless as possible. That means taking away as many tasks as possible and pushing them to the client instead to enable fewer server requests and, thus, better performance and faster load times.

Best technologies to build a Jamstack website Front-end layer, Headless CMS, Hosting and deployment.